HSEB Management,Humanities and Education 2066 Class 12 Result published

13 Aug
HSEB 2066 result of Management and Humanities Published get it from here.
download pdf with passed symbol no.

go to the above link and chose any of the 12 links to get the pdf. If one link does not work try another one.

or try these

Fun with wikiscanner Nepal telecom edition

18 Mar

After scouring through inspiring and thought provoking chunk of info from betanews i felt ever compelled to do a Nepali version of the whole thing. I was not really expecting anything big but i think digging of my nose has yielded gold this time around.Ok here is the deal wikiscanner lets you input an organization name or domain and gives a list of what folks using their network have been up to on Wikipedia.Should i be elaborating about wikipedia? I guess not.

Apparently employees from Nepal Telecom have been involved in the editing of wiki entry of their rivals i mean “Spice Nepal” interesting i think.

Lets see i will make a list of edits they made and the date it was done.

On 17th of May 2007 Data under the Title Network information was altered to claim falsely that Spice Nepal has collapsed.

On 12th of June 2007 Web link to the Companies website was changed to

On the same day this piece of precious info was added to the entry

“Because of the reimbursement of the leased equpment, it is planning to close the network and will be handover to Nepal Telecom being a government Owned company.”

Oh same words right down to the spelling mistake.

On December 25th 2007

Network Status: Live from September 2005 was altered to Network Status: Dead from September 2005

Same day http://www.pidaluworld.comWorld and were the weblinks that were added (replaced with the home page link) to the entry.

On same day oh wow this is the most interesting of all the edits entire network status data was altered i think i need to give you a snapshot of this one this is funny at least it is to me. Click on the picture for expanded view.

Line 18: Line 18:

==Network Information==

==Network Information==
* Operator Name: Spice Nepal Private Ltd
* Operator Name: Mafia Don from Russia Company Unlimited
* Network Name: Mero Mobile
* Network Name: Mahato Mobile(Be aware of virus)
* Technology: GSM 900/1800
* Technology: TDM 100/420

* Network Status: Dead from September 2005

* Network Status: Dead from September 2005


Ok off we go to the faq section which i feel is a must here


1)No I am Not an employee of Spice Nepal

2)No I am Not the one at Nepal telecom who has done this

3) Yes People at Nepal Telecom are complete idiots to think that they can get away with this with out anyone ever finding out.

4) No I am not going to reveal my Mobile number.

5) My email address is

6) Yes Nepal telecom's mobile service sucks big time.

7) Adsl chai thikai cha tara paisa ghataunu parcha ha ha

8) I ate mushroom today and i am feeling very sleepy bye bye.

Fix your autorun patch it now.

01 Mar
Technorati Tags: ,,,

Apparently auto run was still running even if users disabled it through registry method or from gpedit. Finally though after a report from us-cert(Computer Emergency Readiness Team) highlighted this issue after this was successfully exploited by recently most talked about network aware worm called conflicker aka Downadup aka kido.

I am quoting us-cert statement here.

“The Autorun and NoDriveTypeAutorun registry values are both ineffective for fully disabling AutoRun capabilities on Microsoft Windows systems. Setting the Autorun registry value to 0 will not prevent newly connected devices from automatically running code specified in the Autorun.inf file. It will, however, disable Media Change Notification (MCN) messages, which may prevent Windows from detecting when a CD or DVD is changed. According to Microsoft, setting the NoDriveTypeAutorun registry value to 0xFF "disables Autoplay on all types of drives." Even with this value set, Windows may execute arbitrary code when the user clicks the icon for the device in Windows Explorer.”

What do you do then? One might ask. Well you download this reg file here and double click for XP.And then restart the computer.

For Vista

  • Go to Windows Menu - All Programs - Accessories.
  • Right-click on "Command Prompt" and choose "Run as Administrator".
  • At the Command Prompt, run "regedit".
  • In the Registry Editor program, go to File - Import, and open the noautorun.reg file you just downloaded . You should get a confirmation that the file was imported.Now close the registry editor.
  • Restart the computer!

What does this have inside?

It has the following lines

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\IniFileMapping\Autorun.inf]

This i kinda temporary fix. No don’t thank me for this one thank Nick Brown and his pal instead.

What will it do?

It will disable the autorun for good.

Why is my cd not running automatically after i do this ?

Hmmmmmm you tell me…

You might want to follow official channel advice. If that is the case you need to download a patch KB953252 from microsoft website and follow their advice. If you are stuck in a XP box (may be that is good!!!???!!%@#^) that is.

After installing this patch NoDriveTypeAutorun should work the way it is supposed to work.If you are unsure whether you have the patch installed in your computer then I can help check here. It will tell you if or not you have it installed.

Worlds most annoying website and yet it's fun

28 Jun
Not much to say about this you have to actually follow the link to experience it for yourself and judge for yourself if this one is the worlds most annoying website.

Warning:Do this if you have a bit of time to spare and don't forget to give comment.

SLC result 2064-65 published in Nepal download!

23 Jun
link to download the entire result
File size 3.8 MB
File format text
File size 501.17 KB
File format Rar compressed use Winrar or similar compressing/decompressing software to extract and view.
File size 595.39 KB
File format Zip compressed just extract.
Folder content result of only regular students.
File size 61.13 KB
File format Zip compressed just extract
Folder content result of only exempted students

The results for the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) examination this year has been published. Of the over 350,000 regular examinees, 1,95,689 have passed the examination – which is 63.73 percent. Reports say that around 9882 students have secured distinction by obtaining over 80 percent marks. On the exempted side, around 32 percent have passed the exam. The SLC examination this year had been held in March 2008. The board meeting of the Office of the Controller of Examinations, Sanothimi, held till late evening decided to publish the results.

apparently is saying it will publish the slc result with individual subject marks mark sheet.
Best of luck.
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